Trevor Waddington of Truth Tree and Heather Burchfield of The Peck School are teaming up to answer all of your questions: marketing, admissions, financial aid, communications, retention, enrollment management, and more.
Trevor Waddington is a former teacher and school marketing director who founded Truth Tree in 2015. Truth Tree is an award-winning marketing agency providing strategies and solutions for schools. He is a leading expert on school marketing, routinely keynoting and presenting at conferences worldwide. In addition to Truth Tree, Trevor founded two school search websites and a parenting blog, all to fulfill his mission to bring ideal educational opportunities closer to best-fit students. Trevor enjoys time with his two daughters and wife, playing golf and hockey, and reading non-fiction books when he’s not in the office.
Heather Burchfield is the Director of Strategic Communications & Marketing at The Peck School. Heather has spent more than a decade in marketing, communications, and admissions. She presented on lead nurturing and email automation at the Association of Independent School Admissions Professionals conference in 2020 and attended the National Association of Independent Schools School Leadership Institute for emerging school leaders in 2022. She and her team at Peck were recently recognized for excellence in independent school marketing and communications in the InspirEd Marketing Brilliance Awards taking Silver in both Magazine Writing and Magazine Cover Design. Heather has bachelor's degrees in Newspaper Journalism and Women's Studies from Syracuse University and an MBA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.