Blogs, Quick Tips, Webinars, & More
Blog Posts
Enrollment Success: Unifying the Advancement Team
Creating a unified and efficient advancement team is crucial for any school’s success. While individual strengths and personalities are important, a team’s collective effort and shared vision are what truly drive results. By investing time in understanding team members, setting clear expectations, and cultivating a positive work culture, you can ensure your advancement team thrives.
A(i) School Marketing Plan in 20 Minutes
by Trevor Waddington, Founder & Principal, Truth Tree Linkedin Youtube Instagram If your school lacks a comprehensive marketing plan, you’re not alone. 28% of school
Social Media for Enrollment Marketing: What You Need to Know
In today’s competitive education landscape, social media is a must for schools. Discover how to leverage platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram to reach families and increase enrollment.
Podcasts / Vlogs
Image Seven, an Australian-based school marketing firm, had Trevor Waddington as their guest talking about our blog on the Ultimate School Review.
A wonderful podcast where Trevor Waddington was the guest discussing educational leadership.