Private School Digital Marketing That STICKS

Private School Digital Marketing That STICKS

by Trevor Waddington, Founder & President, Truth Tree

Ever wonder why you have a trickle of new site visitors, or worse, a lot of visitors but few inquiries and applicants?

It’s frustrating!

In this private school marketing seminar, Tara Claeys of Design TLC and Trevor Waddington of Truth Tree take you into the mind of a parent searching online for an independent school like yours.

In this seminar, you will learn:

  • How to take advantage of the massive influx in private school searching.
  • Where to put your ad dollars right now.
  • How to develop a landing page that converts visitors to leads.
  • How to appeal to this rapidly changing market.
  • How to follow-up and get real enrollment results.

Does your school need a team of experts to handle digital marketing?

We've worked with 100+ schools to elevate their digital visibility with searching families. Does your school show up in your ideal family's search?

Ready to explore a partnership with Truth Tree where our team becomes your team?

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