Berkeley Hall School

Los Angeles Independent School | Truth Tree Enrollment Marketing | Private School Education Marketing | Berkeley Hall School Campus Photo

“Truth Tree’s SEO and SEM strategies are driving healthy traffic to our website and admission event pages. Bottom line—we are seeing results.”

John Abdelnour

Director of Advancement

Founded in 1911
Los Angeles, California, USA

Nursery through Grade 8
Co-educational, Independent Education

Key Objective

Key Objectives

  • Gaining visibility in a highly competitive Los Angeles market with over 230 independent schools.
  • Targeting families who would choose Berkeley Hall as their top choice for their child’s education.

Services Implemented

  • Search Engine Marketing/PPC (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Why We Love Working with Truth Tree

Why We Love Working with Truth Tree

  • Open communication
  • Reporting and guidance

Search Engine Marketing/PPC

Targeted Campaigns + Meticulous Campaign Management

Ad examples of Truth Tree's work for Berkeley Hall School | Truth Tree provides digital marketing strategies and solutions for school
SEO examples of Truth Tree's work for Berkeley Hall School | Truth Tree provides digital marketing strategies and solutions for school

Search Engine Optimization

Comprehensive Optimization + Backlink Building

The Rewards of
Our Partnership

Organic Search Ranking in LA Schools

2/ 100

New Student Enrollment

Up  0 %

Page 1 Search Result Mentions

From 0 →  0

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