School Marketing Blog

A piggy bank sits on top of a laptop computer. Blog post on ways schools can maximize digital marketing with a limited budget

Maximize Your School’s Digital Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

“Every dollar mattered!” said a former school marketing director. Most families search for schools online, so budget-conscious schools should combine free strategies like content marketing and connecting with feeder schools with paid ads for best ROI. Even a small budget can be effective when combined with the right free methods.

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Preschool students sitting down and raising their hands with text overlay that reads: Want to increase preschool enrollment? Do this one thing! | Truth Tree knows schools. | Truth Tree knows digital marketing.

Are You Missing Out on Higher Enrollment In Preschool?

The starting age varies from school to school. Even if a school has a preschool, does that mean it starts at age 3 or 4? Or is it age 2? A survey confirmed the confusion and need for clear, concise website wording. This can help schools show up in the search process raising their chances of being candidates for consideration.

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Facebook (META) Pixel and Your School

Facebook Pixel for Schools: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unsure if your Meta ads are converting? Facebook (Meta) Pixel tracks website actions triggered by your ads, revealing what truly resonates with your audience. Optimize campaigns, target ideal prospects, and maximize ROI for your school. Using this step-by-step guide, set up your Pixel today!

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A School Marketer Updating the School Blog | Truth Tree Knows Digital Marketing for Schools | Truth Tree Knows School Marketing

Tips For Successful School Blogging

School blogs are powerful! They can help your school get noticed, attract new students, and keep current families engaged. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow your school community. Start blogging today to strengthen your school’s digital footprint.

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Truth Tree Knows School Marketing | Social Media Marketing | Admissions Marketing | School Marketing | Enrollment Marketing

Organic vs. Paid Social Media Marketing: Why Your School Needs Both

In the world of social media for schools, a balanced strategy is key. Organic content is a marathon of relationship-building that amplifies your school’s unique personality. Paid social media, on the other hand, opens doors to targeted audiences and boosts enrollment success. Discover the power of a ‘both/and’ approach, where nurturing relationships and expanding reach go hand in hand.

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Should Schools be Marketing on Reddit? Truth Tree Knows School Marketing.

Is Reddit Marketing Right for Schools?

With its unique culture and algorithm, Reddit offers a dynamic space for engaging a digital-savvy audience. Reddit’s advertising presents a cost-effective alternative to target a specific demographic. Is Reddit marketing worth it for your school?

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What the Heck Just Happened?

What the Heck Just Happened?

How do you market your private school when parents can’t step inside the building? Here are the enrollment marketing strategies that held up during the COVID pandemic.

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Marketing to Your Feeder Schools

Marketing to Your Feeder Schools

Building strong connections with feeder schools is an excellent way to market your independent school to prospective families. Here are 3 school marketing tactics that can help you market to feeder schools.

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Identify your school’s next digital marketing move.